you are welcome to

O.J Dickson Ministry

Welcome to our digital corner; we are so glad that you are here today. Your visit is highly esteemed.

Who we are

OJ Dickson is a 21st century dynamite,

 called by God and sent to this generation to raise Christ-like disciples who will be heavenly-minded and earthly-relevant. OJ Dickson and his wife, Queen Talatu, are passionate about building youth and family ministries that are intergenerational and transgenerational with indelible marks on the sands of time on earth.


lifes impacted


Years of intimate walk with God


churches planted


books written

learn more about

What we Do

OJ Dickson Ministry

Raising heavenly-minded and earthly-relevant people

Living Testament Initiative

Giving life to people beyond words.


Helping people to navigate through different aspects of life successfully.

We Serve Your Entire Home

Our ministry touches everyone in households.

no one is left out

Be a part of the movement

Join us in our mission of Raising heavenly-minded and earthly-relevant people 


Articles and publications

get the latest news from our ministry

Contact Us Today

+234 8154 014 949

you are welcome to

O.J Dickson Ministry

Welcome to our digital corner; we are so glad that you are here today. Your visit is highly esteemed.

Who we are

OJ Dickson is a 21st century dynamite,

 called by God and sent to this generation to raise Christ-like disciples who will be heavenly-minded and earthly-relevant. OJ Dickson and his wife, Queen Talatu, are passionate about building youth and family ministries that are intergenerational and transgenerational with indelible marks on the sands of time on earth.


lifes impacted


Years of intimate walk with God


churches planted


books written

learn more about

What we Do

OJ Dickson Ministry

Raising heavenly-minded and earthly-relevant people

Living Testament Initiative

Giving life to people beyond words.


Helping people to navigate through different aspects of life successfully.

We Serve Your Entire Home

Our ministry touches everyone in households.

no one is left out

Be a part of the movement

Join us in our mission of Raising heavenly-minded and earthly-relevant people 


Articles and publications

get the latest news from our ministry

Contact Us Today

+234 8154 014 949

OJ Dickson Ministry

Raising Christ-like disciples who will be heavenly-minded and earthly-relevant.

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